Ken Vickery
Ken played cricket on the green for over 50 years. He was involved with Junior cricket at the club for over 25 years and always remained a great advocate and support for the Junior set up. Many of the current club players have been coached and inspired by Ken to enjoy playing cricket on the Green. Ken’s extraordinary contribution to the Cricket Club over the years was conducted in an understated and selfless manner – every year he put in an enormous amount of work for the benefit of others without fuss or fanfare.
Please click here for our tribute to Ken who sadly passed away in January 2022
Helen Vickery
Helen Vickery was Ken Vickery’s mum who was a major fund raiser for the current pavilion built in 1970/71

John Farmer OBE
For many years John organised and played in Charity matches with the Wilting Willows attracting stars from TV, radio, film and the cricketing world. These included Sir Garfield Sobers (there is a photo in the Pav) , Harvey Smith, Geoffrey Hughes (Eddie Yates from Corrie) who ran over Sarah Tulips bike on arrival !! and not so long ago Phil Collins and Mike Rutherford also played on the Green. He also coached son Jonny’s cricket teams from Under 12 to Under 16.

Stuart Karn-Smith
Son of Brenda Karn-Smith who died a young man, a pilot and husband of Juliet Karn Smith. A great guy who loved his cricket. The Promising Junior Award is awarded annually in his memory.

Pat Crighton-Smith
Pat lived opposite the green and left significant bequests to a number of village societies and organisations including the Sports Club for the maintenance or redevelopment of the Pavilion

Eddie Spooner
The WGCC Memorial match was originally played in memory of Eddie who was one of the first Trustees of the old Wisborough Green Sports Association who built the current pavilion. He was also the manager of The Village Stores which made for good discounts on tea ingredients. The Memorial match has since added Cliff Gent and Malcom Spiers and now Ken Vickery to those who made significant contributions to sport in Wisborough Green.

John Poysden
A Vice President who was a great supporter of the Club, father of Ian Poysden whose one claim to fame, amongst others, was taking all 10 wickets at Ifield. Grandfather of Josh Poysden who played in several Presidents Day matches, a professional Cricketer recently completing his career with Yorkshire.
Malcolm Spiers
Wisborough Green sporting and social legend.
Joe Warburton
Wisborough Green cricketer of great repute from the 50’s and 60’s