Please find below the team selections for the games on 15th August. We again have two very strong teams and selection was incredibly tough again. I particularly wanted to mention Josh Dixon who is again our 2nd XI reserve – Josh has been a consistent feature at training should the team need him, please hang in there Joshy, you will get a game soon and I’m sure you will make a real impact when you do.
As a result of the shortened season we are also hoping to have an intra-club match on Sunday the 16th. Please let Tarni or myself know if you are available – it will likely start around 2/2.30pm.
For those that are selected – firstly well done! Secondly, please continue to support your captains. Having two strong sides out is great for the club and hopefully means we can bring back two wins! However it does mean that we have very strong batting line-ups and lots of people who are capable of turning their arm over. This may mean that some have to bat lower down the order than their talent might deserve. This is a real positive for the club, but I have asked the captains (particularly in our second team) to try and find the right balance between winning the match and ensuring everyone gets a game! I really hope everyone understands that this is a hard balance to strike perfectly (unlike most of Farmers shots, which apparently all come out of the middle) and therefore the role of the captain is a tricky one, so please give them your support!