Anyone running a cricket team knows how difficult it is to manage player availability and team selections every week. This year we have decided to use an app by the name of ‘Teamstuff’ which is designed to help manage teams more effectively. The app has many features , some of which are paid for services, but we are only planning to use the ‘player availability’ feature which is free .
Below is a step by step guide on how to install and use Teamstuff on an iPhone with some hopefully helpful screenshots.
Step 1 : Download the app
Step 2 Open the app
Step 3 scroll across to the ‘signup page’ and enter your email address and select a password
Step 4 :You will receive 2 emails – a welcome email and a ‘verify my account’ email. Click to verify your email.
Step 5 : Click on the following link to add the Wisborough Green CC team to your list of teams :
Step 6 : Open the app on your phone and login using the details you entered when registering
Step 7 : the app will open on the ‘activity page’ . Click the ‘M’ at the top left of the screen and scroll down to ‘teams’. You should see ‘Wisborough Green CC’ under the ‘+’ sign
Step 8 : Click on ‘Wisborough Green CC’
Step 9 : Click on the silouette of the 3 people under the word ‘cricket’. You will see some familiar names – the admins for the team and the other players who have joined the team.
Step 10 . Click on the calendar , which is the next icon in the row – you will see a list of fixtures . For ease of administration , the fixture for the First X1 and Second X1 match will appear on the day in question.
Step 11 – click on a fixture and select either ‘coming’, not coming’ or ‘maybe’ . You can also add a comment .
The First X1 / Second X1 captain will be in touch to confirm the players selected for each team.
Step 12 – click on the box with the tick to see how many players are coming, not coming or may be coming for that particular match day
Step 13 – scroll back to the previous screen and fill in your availability for all the fixtures listed
Step 14 – grab yourself a beer and go and have a lie down – you’ve done well to read all these instructions 🙂