Hi everyone
Welcome to the final edition of Wizzy News of the season which will include a number of honours boards for the season where we recognise the achievements of many of our top players , and numerous action pics (thanks Chris Marshall ! ) taken during the season . We have also included a number of our favourite ‘out and about ‘ pics featured in previous editions of Wizzy News this season.
Dates for your diary
Its not too late to book for our end of season bash next Saturday evening . The invite is open to everyone so please come along and join us for a lot of fun and reminiscing about the season at the Bat and Ball. Please email us at wisboroughgreencc@gmail.com if you are interested in coming along.

Rugby World Cup at the Pav on Sunday – a great way to enjoy watching the world cup

End of season wrap
What a season it was. 2019 will no doubt go down in history as one the greatest ever cricketing seasons with England winning the world cup and that incredible innings by Ben Stokes to clinch victory against all odds in the game against the old foe Australia at Headlingly . Lets also not forget the memory of Jack Leach, his glasses and his glasses cloth …….
Closer to home it was a great season for our First X1 who ended the season strongly with 6 straight victories in a row. Whilst our Second X1 had slightly less success, it was a year of building a foundation for future success with a large number of our Colts representing our senior team for the first time in their cricketing careers.
The season was particularly special for our two Second X1 skippers who tied the knot this year
Frank Vickery shortly before bowling his maiden over

Frank and his great catch Hannah

Chris Francis with beautiful bride Emma

Chris well supported by fellow cricketers Dan Vickery, John Francis, Frank Vickery, James Newman, Jonny Farmer and Ben Thatcher

The year ushered in the start of a new era with our senior teams competing in the newly formed Sussex league – the largest cricket league in the world with over 137 clubs, 335 teams and 34 divisions competing
The format of the league games for our senior teams changed to the more popular 40-40 over games. A new free hit rule came into being along with 30 yard inner circle and power plays , and new guidelines for wides with the introduction of new 17 inch lines to assist umpires with the adjudication of wides. The new rules proved to be popular with most of the players and umpires , but the new ‘free hit’ rules proved to be somewhat less popular with the spectators who were often caught off-guard after celebrating a catch off a free hit ….
One of the few pics we have of the First team this season – taken at their final home game of the season against Arundel.

After this bare chested selfie was circulated the team went on to win another 5 games in a row. Something about these bare chested selfies ….

A great year for skipper Jonny Farmer who lead from the front with inspirational leadership. Never a dull moment under his captaincy …

Some brilliant performances from hard hitting Alan Law

Tom Malcolm , our visitor from New Zealand in fine form with the bat and ball

James Self finishing strongly at the end of the season – pictured after a well played 74 in the game against Arundel

Another club stalwart Martin Hopkins finding great form towards the end of the season

What a pleasure seeing some of our younger players featuring this year – Hughie Ragg amongst the runs

Hughie sharing some of his secret training routines ….

Our Second X1 had a very memorable season with many of our Colts turning out for the first time this season. Pictured here in the game against Broadwater is Tarnie Dixon and three sons Josh, Jack and Will. We are still desperate to find Ken Vickery’s legs which went missing some time ago. If any one finds them please let us know …

Second X1 against Broadwater – pictured from left : Charlie Phillips, Jack Dixon, Tarnie Dixon, Chris Marshall, Callum Price, Ken Vickery, Charlie Maunder. Front from left : Oscar Warmington, Josh Dixon, Will Dixon, Tom Burchell

Some fantastic performances from some of our Second X1 players – Ricky Etheridge , Dan Vickery , Tommy Colbran and a superb season for Joey Calder Smith with both bat and ball – scoring his highest ever total against Stirlands in a dramatic victory with 2 balls to spare – pictured below

What a pleasure to see some of our Colts turning out for the Second X1 on a regular basis – County player Gracie Attridge going through her paces

Spin merchant Richard Wilson in action

Eddie Ragg with his usual accurate line and length bowling

Great when a plan comes together – skipper Tarnie Dixon celebrating Gracie’s wicket

Special moment – Will Dixon and dad Tarnie Dixon after Will’s direct throw dismissed Broadwaters opener on 134

There were a number of social/ Sunday friendly games throughout the season all of course played in the spirit of Sunday cricket – pictured below are the team that took on the Flycatchers : Back from left : Hughie Ragg, Nick Klein, Tom Malcolm, Dan Dronsfield, James Rainford, James Self. Front from left : Jacob Ball , DJ Dominique, Joey Calder Smith, Chris Marshall, Guy Greenwood,Joe Bonney

James Rainford in fine form with the bat

Nick Klein playing some deft shots …

Hughie Ragg despatching one to the boundary

Umpire Alen Lang showing the level of concentration required to be an umpire …

Team against Kenya Kongolis . Pictured from left : Hughie Ragg, Sam Johnson, Hector Monro , Tom Malcolm, Joey Calder Smith, James Rainford. Pront from left : Joe Bonney , Richard Wilson, Gracie Etheridge, Harry Dancaster , Josh Dixon, Front : Harry Hunter

Contemplating the next move … Chris Marshall deep in thought

Tom Malcolm celebrating a victory in his usual way ..

Two of the Kenya Kongonis players – David Waters and Chris Maile

David and Chris pictured in exactly the same spot – some 30 years ago ….

An incredible season for under 12 county player Will Dixon , who scored 109 in an under 12 festival game

Ran Dawson – another rising star after his brilliant 77 in a festival game

Monkey’s wedding over the Green – in case anyone didn’t recognise it ….

Spotted out and about – watching how the pro’s do it – from left Will Dixon, Jacob Ball and Hugo March

An ordinary Saturday afternoon for some when not on the Green. Club secretary John Newman chilling in the summer sunshine …

Honours Boards for the season
Our statisticians have compiled the bowling and batting stats for the season extracted from the PlayCricket website. It was felt that a minimum of 10 overs had to be bowled to qualify for the end of season honours board.
Congratulations to all those who made it onto the board – some truly incredible performances during the season. Interesting to see how many not outs there were in the top scores, and what a pleasure to see two of our colts featuring so prominently . The future is bright !!

Out and about
Every week we featured some interesting clips we came across – here are some of the best …

End of season message from our chairman – Tarnie Dixon
The 2019 cricket season has been enormous fun with great performances throughout the club from the U5s to the First XI. We are blessed to have such a wonderful setting to enjoy the fascinating journey that unfolds during a game of cricket (which has so well demonstrated by the England Team this summer). I would like to extend enormous thanks to all of you who have contributed to enabling players to participate in and learn how to play this glorious game at Wisborough Green from groundsmen to colts administrators, colts coaches, scorers, umpires, senior captains and committee members. Without you none of this would have been possible and the countless lasting memories of triumph, despair, disaster and glory would not have been made. Wishing you all a healthy and prosperous winter until next season.
Last word
What better way end the season than with the words of the world’s greatest philosopher …..

That’s it for another season – its been a blast – see you next season….
Thanks again to all our sponsors for their support