The staff and children of Wisborough Green School are counting down to the exciting day when the circus will roll into town especially for them courtesy of Cirque Normandie’s Circus for Schools Programme! Watch out for the Big Top going up on the Green to mark the start of an extraordinary week. On Wednesday 13th June, the Big Top will be officially ‘blessed’ by our very own, Clive Jenkins. Circus Skills Workshops will be taking place on the Thursday for all of the children at the school, and many from surrounding villages. On Friday we see the first performance from Cirque Normandie, before all the fun of the festival on Saturday, with three further performances on the Saturday and Sunday.
Our full schedule is as follows: Friday 15th June 7.30pm Cirque Normandie Performance in the Big Top
Our full schedule is as follows: Friday 15th June 7.30pm Cirque Normandie Performance in the Big Top
Saturday 16th June 12.00 noon Opening Procession from the School
12.15pm Official Opening of the Festival
12.30pm Maypole Dancing by the children of WGPS
1.00pm Cirque Normandie Performance in the Big Top
School Dance Display on the Green
2.45pm Young Designer Circus Poster Competition
3.00pm Circus Skills Obstacle Race – public event
3.30pm Cirque Normandie Performance in the Big Top
4.00pm Grand Prize Draw
5.00pm Life Music from the Jukebox 6
7.00pm Festival Closes
Sunday 17th June 10.00am Family Worship Service in the Big Top
2.00pm Cirque Normandie Performance in the Big Top
You can book your tickets at £9 per person at www.circusnormandie.co.uk or you can buy tickets on a Friday evening at the Colts Training Sessions in cash. Under 2s go free.
As part of the school’s Summer Festival activities, a Grand Prize Draw has been organized in grand tradition. Thanks to the enormous generosity of local donors the Grand Prize Draw this year is super special with a t top prize, courtesy of Cubitt and West, a Kindle for Kids package, followed by a Sparkling Afternoon Tea at the South Lodge Hotel generously provided by Dandelion Farewells. There is also a lunch for two at the Half Moon in Kirdford, and a £100 voucher for brand new restaurant, the New Street Bar & Grill in Petworth. There are many more prizes to be won as well – tickets will be available to buy at the Colts sessions on Friday evenings. If you would like tickets to sell on behalf of the school, speak to Heidi on a Friday.