Welcome to this week’s Wizzy News – our weekly round-up of news and events at Wisborough Green Cricket Club.
Last week we announced that this week’s Wizzy News would be the last for the season. The good news is that it won’t be – the bad news is that you will have to wait to after the ‘Big Bash’ on 6 Oct for the final edition which will include all the stats, final honours boards, and all the pics of the season. Its going to be quite a few sleeps until then – we do hope you’ll be able to hang on. To compensate we thought we would add a few more chuckles in this week to keep you going …
Big Bash
We are delighted to be able to confirm that the plans for the end of season Big Bash have been finalised – thanks to Emma and Sami for all your hard work! See flyer below and attachment to the email.
We Looking forward to celebrating the season in style with the end of season awards , 3 course meal, live music and a cash bar.
The cost is £35 per person and £20 for colts under 18. Payments can be made online. Details as follows : Barclays Bank no 00968153, sort code 20-42-58 Account : Wisborough Green Cricket Club. Please quote reference ‘surname’ and ‘Bash’ eg Smith Bash
Century club draw
The latest draw of the Century Club took place on Monday evening at the Committee meeting.
Congratulations to the winners :
- Simon Cheesman £250
- Anya Calder Smith £150
- Greg Stevenson £80
- George Burr £60
- Paul Naughton £50
- Howard True £40
As we mentioned last week our Club President John Pleasants will be getting married on 16 Sept and Lena and John have invited everyone to celebrate with them after the blessing in the Church at the 3 Crowns from 3pm. Both John and Lena have contributed greatly to our club and we look forward drinking a toast to them.
Disco night
Sat 14 October – 70’s Disco night at the Village Green – a fundraiser for the new Pavilion project. Not to be missed . Tickets available from Hayley Ball via email : h.ball876@btinternet.com or at the Pav.
Other non cricketing news
As promised here are some chuckles (plus a few extra) . If you have any other good ones please send them in – email wisboroughgreencc@gmail.com
Good advice
You dont get a bargain this good every day …
Thanks for clarifying
Large reward on offer
Just off to The Gym for a workout honey …
Should surely be a more prominent article ??
And finally – Something a little more thought provoking
If there is anything we need to know, you know where to find us.